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what a alleyway

Very nice game i like it nice job! :) 

Very good


Child: Mom i want play P.T.

Mom: You don't need P.T., we have P.T. at home!

P.T. at Home:

Jokes aside, nice short horror game, the atmosphere it's on point, didn't scare me, but just for the fact that is a really short experience. But the idea was nice anche cool sound design!


This was a really fun experience, thanks for sharing.  Good job!

Rather lazy type of horror. Walking back and forth becomes like a chore, the corpse disappearing repeatedly is not a well done horror element.

cool game.

Surprisingly good game!

Love the sound and atmosphere!

Great short game, I likedfiguring out how to get both endings. Loved the graphics and the atmosphere, never really sure what to expect (or even what was happening). I suppose I'm happy that I'm a killer and that's Paradise. Enjoyed the experience, thanks for creating :)

love your game thank you so much love the endings

Very spooky experience! I loved the little readme hahaha and the ending was something else! It reminded of the feeling I had from watching the Empty Man.

Fun game, read the READme.txt after playing... oops

After reading that wonderful "ReadMe.txt" file, I was off.  For a few short minutes, I was immersed in...well, what I was and somehow I wound up in Paradise...  Say, Glory Meat...may I have "it" back...I'm starting to feel a bit strange...   ;)

Fantastic experience worth owning, playing and pondering the mystery behind!  Highly recommended!  

Well thank god I downloaded it 2 days ago before the price was added lmao.

Comments below clip;

I didn't want to, but I had to anyway. Up and down the alleyway. Back and forth. Back and forth, and every time things got worse. But onward I went, until the bitter end.

Short game? Yes. But it was thoroughly enjoyable. Kudos to ll involved!


Not too bad, although the footsteps were really loud I'd say aside that it wasn't too bad.


I like the atmosphere, and the VHS effect too!  Was able to get both endings.


I love the atmosphere in this game! You have no idea what's going on, but you want to keep on playing to find out because of how mysterious it is. I got both endings as well!

-Made a Video.

-The Game: 10:32 (The 3rd Game)

"i like it. i also got both endings of the game."

Nice game

Paradise is near

There's certainly been a "loop" trend in horror games since PT hit the scene (which is impressive, considering how long ago that demo dropped!), and I'm here for it and all about it!

This really is a curio, and it had me throwing out theories all over the place! The best thing about these kind of games is that you can make your own mind up about what's going on, I've always liked that aspect of some games. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I like a nice firm obvious explanation, but every now and again you just kind of want to let your mind go nuts and come up with its own crazy explanations!

So, there's not a massive amount of gameplay in this little experience, but the atmosphere is great, the setting is nice and claustrophobic and the ending(s) are weird and wonderful!

Highly recommend giving this a quick playthrough if you have 10 minutes to spare.

A well made game with amazing sound design. The atmosphere really gave me the chills. A must play for anyone who's looking to play an inde game!

Played this after Tender. And have to say, you've done a really great job making a very spooky atmosphere from very simplistic graphics and area. It was very tense and spooky and the small things like the breathing at one of the parts added a tiny bit more depth and added to the overall ambience. It was a simple, short and effective game that was really fun to play!

(I read in one of the comments that you were going to take a break from horror, and Iwish you best of luck in your future games!)

Good short game, and I got both endings too.

YouTuber:  Fellowplayer

Checked this out after playing H.G I really like your style and look forward to more games in the future!!

Thanks! But I think in going to take a brake from making horror games

I understand. Thanks for what you've given us already I enjoyed them a lot :)

Cool little game. I dig it. I love the way it looks too. Thanks for the fun!

i really enjoy this horror game

please watch my video

i love the style of this.

Managed to do a lot with a little - I enjoyed it!

Nice little horror game. 

(2 edits)

Hola, jugué su juego y me encanto, también ese estilo PSX que le da el toque aterrador :) 

Edit: Conseguí los dos finales.

YouTuber: PatrickGame

Nice! A bit plodding but came together nice, huge props on the visuals at the end of the third or fourth alley. Hoping to make something similar myself one day.

Well Goodluck! Right now I'm trying to come up with something else to make :)

It's pretty good...

this game is awesome!! keep up this cool work, i am Enjoying myself!!!

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